
Louis Vuitton - Marc Jacobs

As of March, the Museum of Fashion and Textiles will present the Louis Vuitton-Marc Jacobs exhibition at the Decorative Arts Museum in Paris. This is the story of two great characters, Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs (creative director of Louis Vuitton), and will highlight their contributions to the world of fashion.

How did they manage to become so influential in their respective eras, to innovate and bring an entire industry forward? How did these two men, each with their own language, appropriate the phenomena and cultural codes in order to write the history of fashion? This parallel between Vuitton and Jacobs sheds light on the fashion system during these two key periods: that of industrialization in the late 19th century and that of globalisation in the early 21st century. The expo promises an intrusive peek into the minds and creative languages of two innovators who helped shape the history of contemporary fashion. Under the curatorial hand of industry expert Pamela Golbin, this is an exhibition for fashion fanatics and connoisseurs, from the 9th of March to September 16th at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris.

Janvier 2012

Louis Vuitton-Marc Jacobs

March 9th-September 16th 2012
Musée des Arts Décoratifs
107 rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris