Extreme luxury

Hublot's Magic Gold

The swiss watchmaker has always been a technological pioneer. The brand that created natural rubber strap in 1980 strikes again thirty years later by redefining the use of gold. Yet another success story to come...
The power of gold

When CEO Jean-Claude Biver announced that Hublot had once again pushed the concept of fusion further, no one knew what to expect. The company that brought us the world famous « Bing Bang » genuinely blended 24-carat gold with the latest hight-tech materials expertise thus creating an all new scratch-resistant 18-carat gold. Technically, for such a type of gold, the hardness scale reaches up to 400 Vickers whereas Hublot’s new gold rates at almost 1000 Vickers. Unbelievable, almost magic... The brand’s 18-carat Magic Gold has now passed the experimental stage and the first watches made from this precious material are presented at BaselWorld 2012. Do not miss out on this little revolution in the traditional watchmaking industry.
Janvier 2012