
Bye Bye cellulite !

Say goodbye to cellulite, flabby belly and back pain thanks to Ashley Black greatest invention, the FasciaBlaster® .

First, open your "The Cellulite myth" book by Ashley Black to know perfectly how to use your FasciaBlaster® and say goodbye to cellulite ! Then, cover the target areas of your body (belly, thighs, arms, knees...) with the BlasterOil® so your tool will glide smoothly over your skin and help stimulate blood flow. The oil smelling good Ocean breeze, is made of three algae known for burning stored fat. Now, you are ready for a FasciaBlaster® session !

This self-treatment tool help reducing pain and improving flexibility, joint function, circulation, muscle definition, nerve activity and above all, reducing cellulite. In just few weeks, your body is transformed and your pain is gone ! Thanks to its lightweight bar with mini claws, you can give yourself a massage while making your body more forceful.

You can also choose the FaceBlaster™ if you need to release tension, fascial adhesion and tightness between the smallest joints and bones in the hands, feet, and neck. Once you're done, use the AfterBlaster Cream™ made of arnica to reduce the potential inflammation. Good to know : a dedicated coach can help you online. One of the best investment of your life !

Price : 89$ alone or 303.24$ for the whole collection with multiple tools and accessories

Mai 2018
By La rédaction