Travel & Leisure

The Four Season’s The Ritz Lisbon : an Oriental fragrance

Like vintage wine, the Four Season’s The Ritz Lisbon, near the Edouard VII park, can best be appreciated by those who know how to look further than the façade. Not only is it leading in the Lisbon hotel sector, but this renowned establishment also takes pride in being a top venue for modern Portuguese art, all this without giving up its classical spirit.

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Opting for Art Deco

A mix of Art Déco and Louis XVI-style sets the tempo in the rooms, lounges and restaurants. An impression of greater space, with heightened perspectives is given; light inundates the walls and rooms, while a spa with a Zen-atmosphere appears to be synonymous with contentment.

The hallways and entranceways are dotted with abstract paintings and bronze sculptures, along the swimming pool; this minimalist decor with an Oriental inspiration leaves an atmosphere that encourages you to explore your own creativity.

The E Spa offers a range of treatments that are ideal for relaxation

The fragrance of cedar, cinnamon or eucalyptus with a strong sensory power, release their bewitching touches and already your spirit starts to feel refreshed.

Your feet brush against the floor heated by limestone-tiles, your hands lightly rub against the polished stone and your glance is captivated by the sober arrangement of papyrus, Indian bamboos and Luffas.

In beauty treatment booths, bathed in Oriental refinement, travellers are welcomed by the gentle female voice of a therapist, as they put their cares behind and immerse themselves in a misty cloud of jasmine, citrus fruits and even green tea. The holistic back, face and scalp massage combining the natural with the mystical, revives all of our senses. The blend of exotic essences, the delicate touching and the soothing murmuring of Oriental incantations as background music, leaving traces of our memories, forever embedded in our souls, with the indelible ink of our sensations.

At nightfall, to the air of a Fado, not far from the legendary Tag River, a feeling of nostalgia beats to the rhythm of this popular Portuguese singing that is the piercing cry of the soul.

Avril 2014

Four Seasons Ritz Lisbonne

Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca, 88

Lisbonne 1093


T: 00 800 6488 6488

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