
Infiniti opts for Louis Vuitton

It should hardly come as a surprise that the leading French luxury brand was solicited to design customized luggage for the Infiniti concept car that made its debut at the Geneva Auto Show on 3 March. Here is the scoop in a nutshell, especially for Luxe-Magazine readers.

Infiniti: a car concept to the tune of Vuitton

Infiniti, represents Nissan’s "premium" brand, top Japanese luxury, what could be better than teaming up with Louis Vuitton? It makes all the more sense in light of Vuitton’s unrivalled reputation in the Country of the Rising Sun!  On this high note, the spectacular concept car of this brand is paving the way for the 20th anniversary of Infiniti: two decades dedicated to the manufacture of prestigious cars. On the same token, what better way to announce the colours of the next model to come?
Keeping within its long fine tradition….

Louis Vuitton has signed a cooperation package which is completely within the line of its long tradition : the design of customized fitted luggage for the trunks of exceptional cars. And exceptional, they are indeed! INFINITI saloon cars, coupes and hybrid crossover cars developed and assembled in Japan with its reputation for leading-edge technology, an exclusive network and exceptional service, which are the main reasons for its successful expansion in Europe. To that you add, Louis Vuitton, the world’s leader in luxury, synonymous with the art of travelling in style since 1854. What could be a better match?

Juillet 2009