
Focus on Irène Frain

A successful writer, Irène Frain is the author of many novels and notably, the Nabab, which received the Award of the French Libraries in 1982 and was later adapted into a radio series on France Inter. She has since written a lot more successful books: Désirs, Secrets de famille, Histoire de Lou, Devi, Quai des Indes, la Maison des Sources, les Hommes. Irène Frain's new piece of work, an illustrated book called "Gandhi, la liberté en marche", has just been published by Editions Timée. Her passion and curiosity are two of her main qualities which allow her to make us dream and follow her in her adventures. This is an interview with her.

What does inspire you?

Diversity, complexity and the richness of human beings. Humanity in all its forms!

Is music important in your life?
It is essential. It calms me down and stays with me all the time. It also exalts me or consoles me... I don't spend a day without music! I don't play any instrument but I listen to a lot of music, of vary different styles, and I even sing sometimes...

What is your favourite film?
In the Mood for Love

The work of art of literature that you like the most?
None! If this is a real work of art, I have to work a lot. I am a writer after all...

The place where it is easy to find you?
Being fundamentally a traveller, I don't know it myself. If I had the choice it would be by the sea, on my bike or somewhere in Asia, or in my kitchen, or in my office, or in a chocolate living room!!

The brands you are the most faithful to?

What is your favourite word?

What you would like to change in yourself?
Like many other human beings, that would be the fleetingness of my own life. Because having only one life prevents you from improving yourself...

An object you can't live without?
Everything I need to write!

The quality that annoys you?
People who do everything well. Their qualities prevent them from having this supreme and marvellous fault: being able to love...

The present you like to offer?
A book that I liked. In a way this is like offering myself, or even better: offering the world. All that for only a few euros...

Your best epicurean address?
Secret is essential to pleasure. So I won't say a word!

What is your favourite meal and the wine that goes with it?
A duck foie gras with a Cos d'Estournel

A memory linked to wine?
Drinking Krug Champagne with Rémi Krug who was explaining to me all its mysteries...

With which celebrity would you like to have diner with?
Jeanne Moreau, the most profound, intelligent and sensual actress I have ever met.

Your favourite musical work of art?
The famous "Badinerie" for flute from Bach

An exhibition that has marked you?
Courbet. The most courageous, rebellious and head-on painter of the 19th century

The gift of nature you would like to have? 
The ability to accept my own imperfections, and all those talents I am deprived of such as dancing, being able of speaking many languages, playing a music instrument or being good at sport. And so many more...
Février 2008