
Luxury according to François-Xavier Demaison

François-Xavier Demaison, actor at the peak of his career, brings his laughing audiences to tears with his hit show "Demaison", in which he incarnates several characters, one more extraordinary than the next. A Science-Po graduate, he worked for the tax department in New York City. Following the September 11 attacks in 2001, he decided to follow his passion for the stage. Just one year later, he made a mesmerizing debut with his show in front of 700 people. From then on nothing has stopped him in the pursuit of his childhood dreams.
What is luxury for you?

Luxury is inevitably confidential, anonymous. No vulgarity.  It is a discrete attention, a quality of service, a class above the rest.
For example, a quality wine, a marvelous cigar, an omelet with truffles in a dressing gown and a splendid suite like this one at Hyatt Vendôme.

What is the epitome of luxury to you?
The shade when there is sun, fresh water after climbing out of the sea, sitting in the shade on the deck of a beautiful sailboat with a glass of rosé out at sea.

The luxury which you cannot live without?
I am obviously privileged to be an actor and I could not give it up, but the thing that I could not miss out on is to have a coffee in a beautiful place. I hate the mediocre places, the fake places. Rather than to have a cheap "starter, main course, dessert', I prefer to drink great coffee in a palace, without snobbery.

Véronique GUICHARD
Octobre 2007